St. Thomas Senior Ministry

The Pillars of Our Church
Psalms 92: 13-14 - Planted in the house of Yahweh, they will flourish in the courts of our God. In old age they will still bear fruit, will remain fresh and green.
Our Vision
To make a positive impact in the lives of seniors in our parish community.
Our Purpose
To unite and enrich adults who are seniors from our parish in faith, fellowship and service.
Our Activities so far
- Planting vegetable seeds
- Day Camp in our Jubilee Hall
- Participation in parish Perunnal and other related activities (fund raiser)
- Visiting home bound parish members
- Bible study classes
- Weekend camping at Sheppard Air Force Base, Lake Texoma
- Road trips to Branson, MO for Sight & Sound shows – (Samson, Jesus, Esther)
- Road trip to Kentucky to visit Noah’s Arc (Arc Encounter) and Creation Museum
- Games, quiz, solving puzzles and group dances
- Educational events – Basic Internet Safety, Finance, Trust & Will, Dental Health, Fatty Liver Disease, Kidney Disease & Dialysis, Dementia
- Pot luck & sharing delicious food during meetings and gatherings.
- Christmas , New year get together & fun games.
A Statement of the U.S. Catholic Bishops
Arriving at an older age is to be considered a privilege: not simply because not everyone has the good fortune to reach this stage in life, but also, and above all, because this period provides real possibilities for better evaluating the past, for knowing and living more deeply the Paschal Mystery, for becoming an example in the Church for the whole People of God. (Pope Saint John Paul II)
At the beginning of the twentieth century, one in every twenty-five people in the United States was 65 or older. Today one in eight—a total of 33.2 million Americans—is at least 65. A person who reaches 65 can expect to live for seventeen more years; many live well beyond that.
Useful Links
- Senior Ministry Photos Click to Open Senior Ministry Photos
- Dallas County AAA: 800-252-9240; 214-871-5065;
Area Agencies on Aging (AAA) in Texas - can help you find services for people age 60 and older and their family members and caregivers. They provide information and referral assistance, benefits counseling, legal assistance, care coordination and caregiver support. There are 28 area agencies in Texas committed to providing critical services, programs, and resources that positively impact health and wellbeing.
Texas Health and Human Services - Texas Health Information, Counseling and Advocacy Program can help find information and enroll in Medicare, Medicaid, and long-term care.