Dear Parishioners,
1. 40-hour Adoration on April 7th & 8th
In preparation for the High school and College students' retreat, there will be a 40-hour Adoration, starting at 3am on Thursday, April 7th up until 7 pm on Friday, April 8th. Please consider joining in for this Adoration and please fill your name in the sign-up book placed in the church narthex.
2. Lenten Retreat - April 9th & 10th
All High School and College Students are invited to attend a Lenten Retreat on Saturday, April 9th and Sunday, April 10th. Parents, please encourage your youth to attend this retreat and also please pray for its success. This retreat will help them draw closer to Christ. The Lenten Retreat will be led by Fr. Martin Chittadiyil, Director & Superior for the Tabor Divine Retreat Center in Kalyan, Mumbai.
For High School and College Students (English)
- Saturday, April 9th - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
- Sunday, April 10th - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm
*Sacrament of Confession will be available from 11:30 am to 1:30 pm on Saturday, April 9th 6 priests will be available for confession. Please make use of this opportunity during Lent.
Download the Lenten Retreat Flyer
3. Easter flowers
If you are interested in sponsoring Easter flowers, please contact the trustees in the parish office by April 11th.
4. Holy Week Liturgy Schedule
Palm Sunday, April 10th:
8:30 am - Holy Qurbana (Please note that there will be no CCD and no 10:30 am Holy Qurbana)
Holy Thursday, April 14th:
7:00 pm - Holy Qurbana followed by "Pesaha Appam Murickal" (sharing of the Paschal Meal) and Adoration
Good Friday, April 15th:
9:00 am to 10:00 am - Silent adoration
10:00 am - Good Friday Liturgy and Solemn "Way of the Cross"
Holy Saturday, April 16th:
8:30 am - Holy Qurbana with the Blessing of "Puthen" Water & Light along with the Renewal of Baptismal Promises
Easter Vigil Service - Saturday, April 16th:
5:30 pm - Holy Qurbana (Malayalam)
8:00 pm - Holy Qurbana (English)
Easter Sunday, April 17th:
8:30 am - Holy Qurbana
5. CCD Teachers in service - May 7th
Rev. Dr. George Danavelil, the Catechism Director of the Syro Malabar Diocese, will be giving an in service for all CCD teachers on May 7th from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm. All CCD teachers and those who are interested to teach are encouraged to attend this session.
6. Sacrament of Holy Communion and Confession for the homebound
The Sacrament of Holy Communion and Confession are available for those parishioners who would like to receive, but are unable to attend mass due to injury, illness or advanced age. Please put in a written request in the log book kept in the trustee's parish office.
7. Pastoral Council Elect
Bishop Mar Jacob Angadiath has nominated Mr. Raju Kattady, a member of the Diocesan Family Apostalate team, as a member of the Pastoral Council.
8. Wedding Anniversary
All couples from our parish who are celebrating their 25th, 40th or 50th wedding anniversaries in 2022 are invited to contact the trustees before May 29th.
9. Holy Qurbana Schedule
8:30 am: Holy Qurbana in Malayalam and CCD
10:30 am: Holy Qurbana in English
Only 8:30 am Holy Qurbana will be live streamed
However, with the COVID conditions currently receding, we will no longer have Holy Qurbana at 7:00 am.
Tuesday to Thursday: Holy Qurbana at 8:30 am
Friday: Adoration and St. Jude Novena at 6:00 pm followed by Holy Qurbana at 7:00 pm
Saturday: Holy Qurbana at 8:30 am followed by the Blessed Virgin Mary Novena
Note: Those attending Holy Qurbana are requested to follow CDC guidelines to protect yourselves and others.
10. House blessings, Baptism & Marriage Information
If you are interested in scheduling a Baptism, Marriage, House blessing or would like to get a certificate/letter, please put in a written request in the log book kept in the trustee's office. Please include the date, time of request, your address and phone number.
11. Access to Church, Parish Hall, CCD rooms & Founder's building
To access/use the church, parish hall, CCD rooms or the Founder's building, please put in a written request in the log book kept in the trustee's office. Please include the date, time of request, your address and phone number.
12. Parking
Please park only in the designated parking area in the church compound. Do not park in the fire lanes, since it is a parking violation and an inconvenience for others.
13. Parish Priest's weekly off
James achan's weekly off day is Monday. Hence, no Holy Qurbana will be held on Mondays.
However, during the season of Lent, there will be Holy Qurbana during the following Mondays at 8:30 am
April 11th
14. Solemn First Holy Communion on April 30th
This year's solemn First Holy Communion will be celebrated on April 30th at 10:30 am. Bishop Mar Joy Alappat will be the main celebrant.
15. Include Registration Number to write checks to the church
Please include your church registration number in the check as part of the memo when you write checks to the church. The registration number for your family is available in the October 2021 statement that was sent to you. If you still do not know your registration number, please contact James achan.
16. Pilgrimage to Greece & Turkey - "In the Footsteps of St. Paul"
There will be a Pilgrimage "In the Footsteps of St. Paul" to Greece and Turkey from May 4th to May 14th. For further details, please contact Mr. Jose Valiyakaakanattu (Mathew Thomas) @ (214) 714-0833.
17. Marriage Preparation Course (Pre-Cana) 2022
For more details, please send an email to
Fr. Paul Chalissery - (919) 749-7175 Mr. Jose Prakash - (954) 540-7286
18. Inter Parish Sports Festival 2022
Registrations for IPSF 2022 are currently closed. If anyone wants to participate in IPSF, please contact the IPSF coordinators, Mr. Binish Mathew Pampackal @ (972) 799-6855 and Mrs. Tessy Thomas Changankerry @ (469) 618-1715.
Parish-level competitions for individual games will continue to be held in April.
Table tennis tryouts and selection will be conducted after the Spring break.
If you have any other questions and/or concerns, please reach out to the IPSF coordinators.
Download IPSF Souvenir Cover Design Competition Flyer
Hello Everyone,
Are you creatively inclined with a penchant for transforming thoughts, ideas and themes into designs? Well, we've got the perfect opportunity for you. The IPSF 2022 Souvenir Committee is organizing a cover page competition open to all members of the participating parishes. The cover page should be based on any one of the following: -Inter Parish Sports Fest (IPSF) -United we stand, divided we fall -Christian brotherhood -The pilgrim Church -Role of family in religious education
Send your entries, one per participant, to by May 31st. Entries received after this date will not be considered. Include the following in the subject line of the email: 'IPSF 2022 Souvenir Cover page Contest.' Please include your name in the email as well.
Participants will receive a cash prize and stage recognition at the opening ceremony.
We'd love to see you contribute your creativity to this design and wish you the best!
Sincerely, IPSF 2022 Souvenir Team
19. Bulletin Board Update
The 2021 Accounts which were passed at the Annual General Body meeting on February 27th is displayed on the narthex bulletin board in the church. The General Body Meeting minutes, and the decisions taken thereof, are also displayed on the bulletin board.
20. Church Bookings
For church bookings, non-parishioners will be able to book the church 12 months in advance of their event date based on availability. Parishioners on the other hand will be able to book any time prior to their event based on availability.
21. Address, Phone number, or Email Change
If your address has changed, please contact your ward Representatives/Secretary/Trustees/Parish Vicar via text message or email to change the address in the church database.
If your phone number/email or spouse's phone number/email changes, please provide the new contact information to update the church directory.
22. Prayer Ministry
If you have a prayer request, please contact the prayer ministry leaders, Mary and Michael Kallarackal at (201) 563-0727. Everyone is welcome to join the prayer ministry and also to be part of the intercessory prayer sessions. Please contact the prayer ministry leaders if you would like to join the ministry.
23. Safe Environment News
The following is a program and service of The National Catholic Risk Rentention Group Inc. - VIRTUS Online
As caring adults, we can create a safer world when we work together as a community. This includes maintaining an awareness of the behavior of all adults within our programs and ministries, including our own.
One method in which safe adults can help be protectors of children and youth is to simply be attentive to them. Through the Protecting God's Children® (PGC) Program, being attentive to children and youth involves a two-fold process. First, we need to be attentive to concerning behavioral cues that children might exhibit when experiencing abuse. Second, while it is the primary responsibility of adults to protect children and youth, there are also elements we need to teach youth on how to partner with us for their safety when they aren't in our immediate care.
God Bless You. Fr. James Nirappel
Church Main Office (972) 240-1100
Kaikkarans (Trustees): Jimmy Mathew (972) 951-7304 Charly Angadicheril (817) 296-8255 Tomy Joseph (469) 951-6639 Jeevan James (972) 375-8763
Secretary & Asst. Secretary: Molly Varghese (214) 912-7663 Janet Josey (Asst. Secretary) (551) 482-5529
Liturgy Coordinator: Jose Paul (972) 589-0434
Parish Vicar: Fr. James Nirappel (443) 414-2250