Weekly Newsletter-March 8, 2022

Weekly Announcements: St. Thomas the Apostle Syro Malabar Forane Catholic Church
4922 Rosehill Rd, Garland, Texas, 75043

  St. Thomas the Apostle Syro-Malabar Forane Catholic Church

Weekly Announcements

Dear Member,

Weekly Announcements from St. Thomas the Apostle Syro Malabar Forane Catholic Church, Dallas, Texas.

1. Sunday Holy Qurbana Schedule

8:30 am: Holy Qurbana in Malayalam

10:30 am: Holy Qurbana in English

ONLY 8:30 am Holy Qurbana will be live streamed

Note: Those attending Holy Qurbana are required to follow social distancing guidelines, wear masks and sanitize their hands inside the church.

However, with the COVID conditions currently receding, we will no longer have Holy Qurbana at 7:00 am starting from March 13th.

2. Parish Priest's weekly off

James achan's weekly off day is Monday. Hence, no Holy Qurbana will be held on Mondays.

However, during the season of Lent, there will be Holy Qurbana during the following Mondays at 8:30 am

March 14th

March 21st

March 28th

April 4th

April 11th

3. Include Registration Number to write checks to the church

Please include your church registration number in the check as part of the memo when you write checks to the church. The registration number for your family is available in the October 2021 statement that was sent to you. If you still do not know your registration number, please contact James achan.

4. Lenten Retreat - 2022

The Annual Parish Lenten Retreat for 2022 will be held during the following days:

For Adults (Malayalam)

  • Friday, April 1st - 5 pm to 9 pm
  • Saturday, April 2nd - 9:30 am to 4:30 pm
  • Sunday, April 3rd - 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

For High School and College Students (English)

  • Saturday, April 9th - 10:00 am to 4:00 pm
  • Sunday, April 10th - 8:30 am to 4:00 pm

The Lenten Retreat for both groups will be led by Fr. Martin Chittadiyil, Director & Superior for the Tabor Divine Retreat Center in Kalyan, Mumbai. Please plan to attend and please pray for the success of this retreat.

Download the Lenten Retreat Flyer

5. No CCD on March 13th

There will be no CCD on Sunday, March 13th due to Spring Break. In-person CCD will resume at 8:30 am on Sunday, March 20th.

6. Feast of St. Joseph - March 19th

We will be celebrating the Feast of St. Joseph on Saturday, March 19th. Holy Qurbana will be held at the usual time at 8:30 am.

If you would like to sponsor the feast, please contact the Trustees at the parish office.

7. CML Meeting

A meeting will be held for the Cherupushpam Mission League (CML) after the 8:30 am Holy Qurbana on Saturday, March 19th. For further details, please contact Sister Maria.

8. Pilgrimage to Greece & Turkey - "In the Footsteps of St. Paul"

There will be a Pilgrimage "In the Footsteps of St. Paul" to Greece and Turkey from May 4th to May 14th. For further details, please contact Mr. Jose Variyakaakanattu .

9. Marriage Preparation Course (Pre-Cana) 2022

For more details, please send an email to familyapostolate.chicago@gmail.com


Fr. Paul Chalissery - (919) 749-7175
Mr. Jose Prakash - (954) 540-7286

10. Solemn First Holy Communion on April 30th

This year's solemn First Holy Communion will be celebrated on April 30th.

11. Inter Parish Sports Festival 2022

Registrations for IPSF 2022 are currently closed. If anyone wants to participate in IPSF, please contact the IPSF coordinators, Mr. Binish Mathew Pampackal @ (972) 799-6855 and Mrs. Tessy Thomas Changankerry @ (469) 618-1715.

Parish-level competitions for individual games will continue to be held in March.

Table tennis tryouts and selection will be conducted after the Spring break.
If you have any other questions and/or concerns, please reach out to the IPSF coordinators.

12. Church Bookings

For church bookings, non-parishioners will be able to book the church 12 months in advance of their event date based on availability. Parishioners on the other hand will be able to book any time prior to their event based on availability.

13. Address, Phone number, or Email Change

If your address has changed, please contact your ward Representatives/Secretary/Trustees/Parish Vicar via text message or email to change the address in the church database.

If your phone number/email or spouse's phone number/email changes, please provide the new contact information to update the church directory.

Emails: Vicar@syromalabarchurchdallas.org, trustee@syromalabarchurchdallas.org, secretary@syromalabarchurchdallas.org

14. Prayer Ministry

If you have a prayer request, please contact the prayer ministry leaders, Mary and Michael Kallarackal at (201) 563-0727. Everyone is welcome to join the prayer ministry and also to be part of the intercessory prayer sessions. Please contact the prayer ministry leaders if you would like to join the ministry.

15. Safe Environment News

The following is a program and service of The National Catholic Risk Rentention Group Inc. - VIRTUS Online

As caring adults, we can create a safer world when we work together as a community. This includes maintaining an awareness of the behavior of all adults within our programs and ministries, including our own. Please read over the following attachment.

Understanding the Warning signs of Adults

God Bless You.
Fr. James Nirappel

Church Main Office (972) 240-1100

Kaikkarans (Trustees):
Jimmy Mathew (972) 951-7304
Charly Angadicheril (817) 296-8255
Tomy Joseph (469) 951-6639
Jeevan James (972) 375-8763

Secretary & Asst. Secretary:
Molly Varghese (214) 912-7663
Janet Josey (Asst. Secretary) (551) 482-5529

Liturgy Coordinator:
Jose Paul (972) 589-0434

Parish Vicar:
Fr. James Nirappel (443) 414-2250

Copyright © 2021 St. Thomas the Apostle Syro-Malabar Forane Catholic Church,
4922 Rosehill Rd, Garland, Texas, 75043. All rights reserved.
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