Dear Parishioners,
1. Holy Qurbana
8:30 am: Holy Qurbana in Malayalam
10:30 am: Holy Qurbana in English
Tuesday through Thursday: Holy Qurbana at 8:30 am.
First Friday: Eucharistic adoration from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, followed by St. Jude's Novena and Holy Qurbana. Confessions from 6:05 pm - 6:40 pm.
Saturday: Holy Qurbana at 8:30 am, followed by the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and Eucharistic adoration till 11 am.
Note: Holy Qurbana Intention Request: If you would like to offer Holy Qurbana, there is a Holy Qurbana intention slip kept in the church narthex. Please complete it and submit it to James achan.
2. August 2023 Highlights
- CCD Updates:
- On August 27th we held a CCD parent-teacher meeting which included a safe environment training session.
- Parents, please ensure that your CCD children reach the parish hall by 8:20 am. There will be an assembly followed by the class. Additionally, kindly ensure that your children do not miss Holy Qurbana after attending CCD.
- Parents, please consider sponsoring donuts in celebration of your children's birthdays.
- September 1st, First Friday: Eucharistic adoration from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm, followed by St. Jude's Novena and Holy Qurbana. Confessions from 6:05 pm - 6:40 pm.
- Ettu Nombu: September 1st - 8th: The 8-Day Lent of Mary, Mother of Jesus, is a solemn remembrance of Mother Mary.
- Cherian Churanadu and Biji Edward have been appointed as coordinators for IPSF.
- Please contact the parish office if you have an address change or if you are not receiving emails from the church.
- Upcoming Bible courses: Those who are interested, please use the link to view details and to register. Course in September 2023 | Mar Thoma Theologica (
- Rest Haven Funeral home is offering a prepaid package for $8,814. This special offer is available until August 31st. For further information, please get in touch with Baby Kuzhippillil at (972) 365-5906.
3. Upcoming events
Mark your calendar for the following events:
- Parish Council meeting on September 3rd at 12 pm.
- We have a Diocesan vocation discernment program in Chicago from September 15th - 17th.
- Parish Picnic on Saturday, October 7th.
- Diocesan High School Youth Conference from December 26th - 29th in Houston.
4. Eucharistic Revival updates
To view the monthly Newsletter and Zoom meeting link, please click here.
5. Safe Environment Updates
One of the best ways we can help children recover from abuse is to listen to them when they disclose sexual abuse to us, to believe them, and to take action by making a report to the authorities. However, it can take time for a child to disclose if they are being abused, and it is often done in stages that we might miss if we aren't paying attention. Please click the link to read this week's article, A Prelude to Outcry
6. Additional Church related information
Mathru Jyothis, Senior Ministry, Adult Bible Study, Prayer Ministry, Church and Hall Bookings, Sacraments for home bound, etc. Please click the link to view additional church information.
God Bless You Fr. James Nirappel
Church Main Office (972) 240-1100
Kaikkarans (Trustees): Jimmy Mathew (972) 951-7304 Charly Angadicheril (817) 296-8255 Tomy Joseph (469) 951-6639 Jeevan James (972) 375-8763
Parish Council Secretary & Asst. Secretary: Molly Varghese (214) 912-7663 Janet Josey (Asst. Secretary) (551) 482-5529
Liturgy Coordinator: Jose Paul (972) 589-0434
Parish Vicar: Fr. James Nirappel (443) 414-2250